• Homelessness

    If you become aware that a student in an Osborn classroom may be experiencing homelessness please contact Osborn's Homeless Liaison. You will need to provide the student's name, Student ID and the parents phone number. The student will be assessed by the District Office to see if they qualify for student services.

    Students classified as homeless may be invited to participate in Operation School Bell field trips sponsored by the Assistance League of Phoenix. Students can be nominated by teachers or staff to attend this field trip once a year. Once nominated the District Office Homeless Coordinator must obtain permission from the students parents. Students may not attend if the permission slip is not filled out before the deadline.

    Students NOT classified as homeless can also receive donated uniforms from the school based on availability.

    If any parent is in need of emergency food or shelter, have them contact Osborn's Homeless Liaison or you can provide the family with the information below.

    Osborn Homeless Liaison:

    Cristina Delgado (August-May) [email protected] (602) 707-2335

    Jennifer Page (June-July) [email protected] (602) 707-2006


    Click here for the McKinney-Vento Back to School Review